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Use Scene Lingo Appropriately

luyued 发布于 2011-05-07 19:07   浏览 N 次  

  Ok, anyone can randomly spout out "rawr", "rad" or "sXe" any time, but to use these phrases appropriately, and not be called a poser, you need to be careful. [edit]Steps

  Make up your own phrases. Yes, this is hard, but possible. Think of short, odd adverbs (cuss words not recommended) and completely overuse them. Or, to seem less poserish, only use them in select situations. When something is totally awesome exclaim RADD! (or your phrase here)

  Typos are cool, but real scene kids are unique, so make up your own words, and use them on the internet with friends (this is like typos of words that mean something else than the real word) Normally, this will occur when one of you typos, and you find it really funny, so you make it into something else. Fairly simple concept.

  Talk like yourself, but if you feel like it, use a weird accent on certain words, Just like Britney spears.

  SxE or XXX means straight edge(no drugs or alcohol) HxC means hardcore (you do anything you want; drinking and doing drugs)

  A bonus is writing your favorite song lyrics as a signature a status on myspace or facebook or a decoration for your notebooks.

  NEVER R1+3 LYK3 D15 it is annoying and makes you look extremely idiotic to everyone.

  Dont talk like you are 'straight out the hood' or 'ghetto' this is also annoying and is not popular in scene emo punk goth or raver cultures.

  Dont copy off of other people you see famous or not it is so horrible that if you do it..you just earned yourself the right to be called a poser! =]

  Try to use proper grammer when texting or typing, otherwise people lAuGhT aT tHe WaY yOu TaLk LiKe ThIs.

  Dont overuse any of your words unless its your catchphrase. Common scene words are "ace", "stellar", "legend", "mint", "rad", "secks" aka 'thats the sex', "bahaha", "vogue", and all types of abbreviations.


  Never be something you aren't. The scene kids that are respected don't change themselves to be accepted.

  Make up your own words, and people will find you creative, and very un-poserish

  People will respect you if you're comfortable in your own skin.

  just be yourself

  Dont suddenly become an epic scene kid overnight, otherwise people will brand you a poser or call you wemo.
